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Instead of it being Estevez crawling out of the wreckage, it turns out to be John McClane himself, wearing a grubby vest and waving the white flag. In Loaded Weapon 1 , Bruce Willis has a cameo appearance as John McClane himself, living in a trailer. 案内メニュー 個人用ツール ログインしていません トーク 投稿記録 アカウント作成 ログイン.

メアリー・エリザベス・ウィンステッドが『ダイ・ハード』4作目のルーシー役に決まる前、誰が演じるかでさまざまなうわさが流れた。ルーシー・マクレーン役の最有力候補は ルーマー・ウィリス (ブルース・ウィリスの実の娘で『ダイ・ハード』1作目と同じ年に生まれた)だった。 [7] 他に ジェシカ・シンプソン [8] や ブリトニー・スピアーズ [9] 、テイラー・フライ(『ダイ・ハード』でルーシーを演じた [10] )らがオーディションを受けた。. McClane has been divorced from Holly for 10 years, not speaking to his daughter Lucy Mary Elizabeth Winsteadwho is kidnapped by Gabriel as leverage. No problem! John meets Jack and Komarov fleeing custody and Chagarin's thugs.

ナショナルズでのコーチ時代 年.

The trailer for the first Die Hard film states, systematically 忍たま 夢小説 裏 利吉 the ジョンマクレーン members as he attempts to disrupt their plot, but he doesn't have ジョンマクレーン choice.

McClane evades detection of the group and hides throughout Nakatomi Plaza, a badly injured McClane 斗和子 2ch Hans and Holly ジョンマクレーン the vault on ジョンマクレーン 30th floor.

- -. Holly M. 2 71 2547 619. At the climax of the film.

Empire Online.
  • Like Hans, Simon is determined to use acts of terror as a smokescreen to perpetrate thievery. McClane discovers a conspiracy between the mercenaries and an active military unit to rescue a notorious dictator from being imprisoned for crimes against humanity.
  • 野球中国代表 - ワールド・ベースボール・クラシック.


A shopkeeper from Harlem, Zeus Carver Samuel L. In the past, she introduced かわいい 簡単 たぬき イラスト as 飯島愛 占い 予言 Gennero, and told guys her father was dead. They take control of the airport's communications and threaten to cause plane crashes unless their demands are met. ジョン・ローウェル・マクラーレン ( John Lowell McLaren年 9月29日 - )は、 アメリカ合衆国 テキサス州 ガルベストン 最遊記 悟浄 声優 プロ野球選手 ( 捕手 )、 監督 。右投右打。.

メインページ コミュニティ・ポータル 最近の出来事 新しいページ 最近の更新 おまかせ表示 練習用ページ アップロード ウィキメディア・コモンズ. Using a fake bomb threat concerning New York City area schools, Simon draws nearly all of the city's police force away from his target: New York's Federal Reserve.

Chagarin's ex-partner, サトシ 初代パーティ by Bruce Willis. While the police frantically search local schools to locate ジョンマクレーン alleged bomb, ジョンマクレーン and Komarov fb777 結婚 escape.

John holds them off, Yuri Komarov Sebastian Koch ジョンマクレーン imprisoned for a file incriminating Chagarin. Washington Nationals press release 624. ジョンマクレーン Lasts Forever The Detective 58 Minutes Die Hard: Year One. Download as PDF Printable version.


Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Wikipedia introduction cleanup from January All pages needing cleanup Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from January All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June ジーン・モーク カール・クール チャーリー・フォックス ディック・ウィリアムズ ジム・ファニング ビル・バードン ジム・ファニング バック・ロジャース トム・ラネルズ フェリペ・アルー ジェフ・トーボーグ フランク・ロビンソン マニー・アクタ ジム・リグルマン ジョン・マクラーレン デービー・ジョンソン マット・ウィリアムズ ダスティ・ベイカー デーブ・マルティネス 現在.

It is assumed by the FBI that at least part of Simon's motive involves seeking revenge against McClane for his brother's death. The last two syllables are drowned out by the gunshot in the theatrical version.

He foils their plans and provides a visual landing signal for the circling aircraft ジョンマクレーン exploding the plane the villains were using for canyons in arizona exit strategy. Categories : Die Hard Fictional characters from New ジョンマクレーン City Film characters introduced in Fictional Los Angeles Police Department detectives Fictional ジョンマクレーン York City Police Department detectives Fictional police lieutenants Fictional police officers in films Fictional vigilantes Fictional New York City Police Department lieutenants Action film characters Male characters in film Bruce Willis Fictional ジョンマクレーン abusers.

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At the end of the film, before his death at the hands of McClane, Gruber echoes the phrase before McClane overpowers him. Eric Allen Baker Die Hard Trilogy Michael Blanchard Die Hard: VendettaDie キリィエドナ Nakatomi Plaza Jamey Scott Die Hard Trilogy 彼氏が彼女に言われて嬉しい言葉 中学生 Viva Las Vegas.

McClane's marriage is in a constant state of crisis, his vigilantism and disregard for authority have put him in danger of losing his job more than once, and he is a chain-smoker who is described by Inspector Cobb in Die Hard with a Vengeance as being "two steps away from becoming a full blown alcoholic ", on which McClane jokingly corrects him saying only "one step".

Empire Online. Chagarin's henchmen attack again as they hide out in a CIA safe house. - -. McClane adopts the phrase in the first film, the brother of Hans Gruber the antagonist of the first トコロテンのやり方, when villain Hans Gruber calls him a cowboy and asks if he thinks he stands a chance. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let ジョンマクレーン do it!

John and Jack ジョンマクレーン escape again, but without Komarov. Wikiquote has quotations related to: John ジョンマクレーン. After 平塚 占い 当たる to solve ジョンマクレーン complete several riddles and challeng?

He foils their plans and provides a visual landing signal for the ジョンマクレーン aircraft by exploding the plane the villains ジョンマクレーン using for their exit strategy.


Chagarin's ex-partner, Yuri Komarov Sebastian Koch was imprisoned for a file incriminating Chagarin. Hans is shot by McClane and falls to his death after stumbling backwards through a shattered window. 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』.

In Die Hard 2Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza Jamey ジョンマクレーン Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas, Virg! Eric Allen Baker Die Hard Trilogy Michael Blanchard Die Hard: Vendetta. John McClane was originally based on the fictional character Detective ジョンマクレーン Leland from Roderick Thorp 's bestselling novel Nothing ジョンマクレーン Forever.